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Rapid Fire
Basically a blog where I try to do philosophy outside.
Oct 4
Quick Hitter: How do you understand Confusion?
There are lots of buzzwords in the AI space—fairness, transparency, safety, bias, privacy, trustworthiness, I could go on and on. And...
Jun 28
Devotion & Meaning
I wanted to let you behind the curtain to see how philosophical papers are born, so Kjell and I pulled up a Call for Papers on Meaning...
Jun 7
I’m shining the Bat-Signal
Maybe you’ve seen my Work-in-Progress talk on AI and the Future of Work. Maybe you even liked it! If so, I have good news: In less than a...
Mar 29
My talk on Superintelligence and Suicide
This week I gave a Zoom talk as part of the AI Futures Work-in-Progress Series at Indiana University (a thing I totally started but it’s...
Oct 27, 2023
We’ve confused Intrinsic & Ultimate value and it’s been a Disaster
If you’ve happened to take a course in intro ethics, you might have heard of a classic distinction between instrumental and intrinsic...
Oct 13, 2023
Someone could get it Wrong
I had a really interesting conversation about art criticism this week. So here we go: What does it mean to be great at jazz? Look, I know...
Oct 6, 2023
Quantitative and Qualitative Values
I’ve been working hard to get clear on the differences between quantitative and qualitative values lately. Here’s an example: If I want...
May 12, 2023
I'm on Twitch now
So here's an argument: In Utopia, our practical problems would be solved. (There'd be nothing we had to do.) But if we sat around all...
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