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Rapid Fire
Basically a blog where I try to do philosophy outside.
Dec 29, 2023
Why is Racism bad?
I recently spoke to a trained economist who argued that racism was bad, but only because it was bad for the economy. What can we say...
Dec 22, 2023
Arguments are Powerful Tools
Arguments are powerful tools for seeing how commitments hang together. Take the classic reductio ad absurdum, where I try to show that my...
Dec 8, 2023
My Dissertation: pt. 1
For the past month, I’ve been running an experiment. I started going to two therapists so we can form a consensus. Weirdly, this is kind...
Dec 1, 2023
3 mistakes in Intro Philosophy
As finals approach, I’ve been hired as a grader for my advisor’s Intro Philosophy class. I love these classes, where we’re trying to give...
Nov 24, 2023
So there’s this psychology paper I keep thinking about
It starts, like all psychology papers, with a competitor for the most boringest sentence ever: One of the essential insights from...
Nov 17, 2023
Getting Better at Criticism
Last week, I got to hear Wycliffe Gordon play Amazing Grace live. It was awesome. And then, he pulled out his mute. No recording’s gonna...
Oct 20, 2023
Look at me I’m on a Panel
Last week, I was sick as a dog and downright loopy. What a perfect time to be invited to an APA Panel on AI ethics! Fortunately, I...
Oct 13, 2023
Someone could get it Wrong
I had a really interesting conversation about art criticism this week. So here we go: What does it mean to be great at jazz? Look, I know...
Sep 22, 2023
On being taken Seriously
Now that I’m back in Bloomington for a while, everyone has a ton of advice on how to present myself on the academic job market so that...
Jul 14, 2023
Twilight Imperium and Instrumental Convergence
I got to play Twilight Imperium last weekend and I was so powerful I didn’t know what to do. I like to describe Twilight Imperium as 8...
Jul 7, 2023
Why do (some) scientists hate philosophy?
My concern here is that the philosophers believe they are actually asking deep questions about nature... It’s not that there can’t be...
May 26, 2023
Being a Coach
I don’t love talk of ‘smart’ or ‘high IQ’ basketball. I got to coach a youth basketball team recently, and it was awesome. For a lot of...
May 5, 2023
"More good is better than less good"
Here's a bad question: How many people should there be? Uh oh. That's renowned Oxford moral philosopher Derek Parfit, by the way. I shall...
Apr 21, 2023
Puzzles and Problems
I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between puzzles and problems and I need your help to figure it out. Say you’re solving a...
Mar 31, 2023
Writing with ChatGPT
Let's talk about games. Do you know the difference between purposes and goals? The goal of a game is the target we aim at during the...
Mar 17, 2023
This one's not really about chess
There are 255,168 possible games of tic-tac-toe and they’re all boring. If both sides play perfectly, tic-tac-toe is a draw. And playing...
Mar 3, 2023
Think for Yourself
Like most bestsellers, Antifragile takes one interesting idea and stretches it like taffy. As Taleb admits, “I’ve had only one master...
Feb 17, 2023
The Humor in Philosophy
A serious and good philosophical work could be written that consisted of nothing but jokes. —Ludwig Wittgenstein[1] This week I went to...
Feb 10, 2023
Invisible and Mostly Harmless
Quick—name a living philosopher. (Don’t say Ricky Mouser just because you’re on my website.) Unless you already have a degree in...
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