Nov 29Augmenting vs. Automating AwayAnother quick one while I continue my recuperatory week of doing as little as possible. I recently got to see a fascinating sequence of...
Nov 1There is no Shallow End of the PoolLater this month, I’ll be teaching my dissertation chapter on grief to a grad seminar of young bioethicists as part of a class session...
Oct 25Consistently BiasedHey, sorry for the late post, had to give a talk this morning! I’ve written a bit about QALYs here before, or Quality-Adjusted Life...
Oct 18Pleasantly Simple Myths“When pleasantly simple myths are discarded, the result is a mess. Endless problems need to be addressed.” —Ian Hacking, The Social...
Sep 20Help me Rebrand!I’m writing from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Conference in St. Louis, where I just had barbecue at a blues jam....
May 17Autonomy is OverratedSo now that I have a job in Bioethics, it’s time for me to figure out what Bioethics is. Unfortunately, it looks like Bioethics is a huge...
Jan 5You will be MisreadWhen you go to the hospital, we rarely have the resources to treat everyone as promptly and thoroughly as we’d like. So we have to make...