Sep 13Something I HATE about AveragesIf you had to summarize a statistical distribution with one number…well, I guess you could do worse than taking an average. Even so,...
Aug 16How Coffees Get ScoredDo you know how coffees get scored? Here’s a sample espresso cupping form: Let’s talk survey methodology . This form is part of a...
May 24Jazz bends Music like a Gaudí BuildingI recently got to listen to a jazz concert on the roof of Antoni Gaudí’s magnificent La Pedrera. Meet the building that teaches you how...
Apr 26Debate Modephilosophy is not just about questions, concepts, and arguments, but is also about idioms —Raymond Geuss I’ve been meaning to write some...
Apr 5Fake ExpertsRecently I’ve started thinking more about the political role of experts in society. Who counts as an expert anyway? We expect a lot from...
Feb 23My Dissertation, pt. 3(Links to Part 1 and Part 2) When you write a dissertation about assholes, you tend to encounter a handful of criticisms over and over....