Nov 8Better On Average™I went to an incredible talk this week by a renowned optimizer in AI spaces. He’s worked on everything from power grids to e-commerce...
Oct 25Consistently BiasedHey, sorry for the late post, had to give a talk this morning! I’ve written a bit about QALYs here before, or Quality-Adjusted Life...
May 31Two Styles of ComedyThis week, I got to headline back-to-back shows for the biggest English-speaking comedy club in Barcelona, which means I got to try out...
Apr 19What makes You think you’re so Special? (a reluctant defense of X-Risk)I spent this past week at The Midwest Ethics Symposium on AI presenting my research and meeting lots of great folks from academia and...
Jan 12Talent and FitAt a really (really) high level, performance is a function of what you bring to the table (we’ll call that talent), and and how you can...