Jun 14The books Elon pretends he’s read“I read a lot of books,” says Elon Musk. Apparently one of them is Superintelligence, the highly-influential book that AI moguls from Sam...
Apr 19What makes You think you’re so Special? (a reluctant defense of X-Risk)I spent this past week at The Midwest Ethics Symposium on AI presenting my research and meeting lots of great folks from academia and...
Mar 29My talk on Superintelligence and SuicideThis week I gave a Zoom talk as part of the AI Futures Work-in-Progress Series at Indiana University (a thing I totally started but it’s...
Mar 1I made a Video EssayTwo weeks ago, I had no idea how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. But now, I’m pretty good at Googling. Indiana University is holding a...