May 10Quantity as Quality?I need to take a break from proofreading my dissertation (I’m turning it in today to defend this summer!) to write something else. So...
Apr 19What makes You think you’re so Special? (a reluctant defense of X-Risk)I spent this past week at The Midwest Ethics Symposium on AI presenting my research and meeting lots of great folks from academia and...
Apr 5Fake ExpertsRecently I’ve started thinking more about the political role of experts in society. Who counts as an expert anyway? We expect a lot from...
Mar 1I made a Video EssayTwo weeks ago, I had no idea how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. But now, I’m pretty good at Googling. Indiana University is holding a...
Nov 24, 2023So there’s this psychology paper I keep thinking aboutIt starts, like all psychology papers, with a competitor for the most boringest sentence ever: One of the essential insights from...
Oct 13, 2023Someone could get it WrongI had a really interesting conversation about art criticism this week. So here we go: What does it mean to be great at jazz? Look, I know...
Sep 8, 2023Game Values vs. Real-Life ValuesMy friend Kjell and I noticed there just aren’t enough podcasts, so we decided to help. Our first episode takes an early look at some of...
Jul 14, 2023Twilight Imperium and Instrumental ConvergenceI got to play Twilight Imperium last weekend and I was so powerful I didn’t know what to do. I like to describe Twilight Imperium as 8...
Jun 30, 2023I had to write a research statement about what I’m working on. Here’s my first draft.Let me know what you think! I'm still figuring out how to summarize my research program and instill confidence I’ll be a “productive”...